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ACM's Pre Budget Submission 2024

8 February 2024

Removing Barriers to Primary Maternity Care and Maximising Health Outcomes for Women, Babies and Families.

Evidence shows midwifery continuity of care with a known midwife is the best practice model of care for women, their families and babies. It improves health outcomes for women (including mental health), reduces preterm birth and still birth, reduces medical intervention, and increases workforce retention. If provided in the primary care setting it has been shown that total cost of care is up to 22% less than for standard care. 

The focus of ACM’s Pre Budget Submission this year is on enabling the midwifery workforce to work to full scope with equitable and sustainable access to workforce development and funding to increase access to midwifery continuity of care to improve outcomes for Australian woman and babies.

ACM’s priorities; 1. Building Midwifery Capacity, 2. Increasing access to midwifery continuity of care for women and families, 3. Facilitating multidisciplinary care, can be read about in full in the ACM 2024 Pre Budget Submission.

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