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NSW Inquiry into Birth Trauma Hits the Mark

29 May 2024

The Australian College of Midwives (ACM) welcomes the recommendations of the NSW Select Committee on Birth Trauma handed down today.

Research shows one in three women in Australia experiences birth trauma. 

The committee received over 4000 submissions over the last twelve months and have delivered 43 recommendations including all of ACM’s key priorities outlined in its submission. These recommendations recognise the impact of birth trauma on women and families and the ways in which all maternity care providers can work towards significantly improving women’s maternity experiences.

ACM calls on the NSW Government to implement the recommendations, particularly recommendation 1, the funding and implementing of all ten goals and associated objectives from Connecting, listening and responding: A Blueprint for Actions – Maternity Care in NSW as soon as practicable as per ACM’s submission recommendation. This recommendation prioritises midwifery continuity of care models, trauma informed care and education and training for maternity care providers.

ACM also recognises that midwives are impacted by birth trauma and is pleased to see recommendation 30, to establish debriefing and psychological support for maternity clinicians, and the importance of midwifery leadership recognised through recommendation 31, the appointment of a Chief Midwife Officer in NSW. 

Eliminating birth trauma and ensuring that women and families no longer suffer the avoidable traumatic experiences that were highlighted in the inquiry is the responsibility of Government and all maternity care providers. 

Chief Midwife Alison Weatherstone said, “No woman should suffer birth trauma. The implementation of these recommendations is crucial if we are to improve maternity care experiences for all women and families wherever they live.”  

“This is an opportunity to provide culturally safe and individualised care to women and evidence shows that midwifery continuity of care models offers the best outcomes for women.”

ACM Submission to NSW Select Committee on Birth Trauma

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NSW Inquiry into Birth Trauma Hits the Mark

The Australian College of Midwives (ACM) welcomes the recommendations of the NSW Select Committee on Birth Trauma handed down today.

NSW Inquiry into Birth Trauma Hits the Mark