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Student Panel: Clinical Supervision
Mary Sidebotham
RM,RN, PhD, MA (Health Care Law and Ethics), ADM, GCert. Adult Education, G.Cert. Health Service Management.
Professor of Midwifery (Title Holder) Griffith University Clinical Supervisor Mary has been instrumental in developing maternity services and designing midwifery education programs within the United Kingdom and Australia during her 40+ year career in health.

As a Title Holding Professor of midwifery at Griffith University her research is aligned to the maternity reform agenda. She has a passion for promoting wellbeing within the workplace and has formally led the international WHELM (Work Health and Emotional Lives of Midwives) consortium. Mary is a founding member of the Transforming Maternity Care Collaborative and her research includes the investigation of work place culture, midwifery identity, professionalism in midwifery and the integration of student midwives into professional practice. Mary is Deputy Editor in Chief of the journal Nurse Education in Practice and is internationally recognised as an expert educator as a Principal Fellow of the international Higher Education Academy (PFHEA).

Sue Harvey has over 40 years’ experience as a nurse and midwife, including in regional and rural areas in NSW and NT. Sue worked as a generalist community health nurse in Katherine and in Western Sydney LHD before specialising in child and family health nursing. She later became a CFH CNC and facilitator of Family Partnership Training, and a supervisor of reflective clinical supervision.

Sue completed Masters research to better understand the engagement of women receiving opioid treatment in the perinatal period with early childhood health services. She also was CFH CNC on the ‘Watch Me Grow’ study, aiming to improve the early detection of developmental disorders. Sue is an author/co-author of journal articles including on clinical supervision. She looks forward to publishing findings from research on program design to prepare midwives as confident and competent supervisors.

Sue is based in Sydney and works as a Senior Associate of Clinical Supervision Consultancy, founded by mental health nurse, Paul Spurr. Sue is a Lead Facilitator of ‘Clinical Supervision for Role Development Training’, the 8-day foundational training program for CS supervisors based on the Role Development Model. She is in private practice as a CS supervisor and receives regular CS as an essential part of her professional practice.

Bev Love - Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Midwifery Specialist.
A Registered Nurse and Midwife, with a Bachelor of Nursing, and Certificate of Instructional Skills. Bev has worked in a variety of areas including, paediatrics, medical, endocrine, intensive care, education and research. She is currently a passionate midwife, with over 30 years’ experience supporting women and families. In 2008, Bev completed The Spurr training model ‘Clinical Supervision for Role Development’ and discovered a new passion, supporting people through Clinical Supervision. To date Bev has provided over 500 sessions to individuals and groups, across a variety of professions and developmental levels, working face to face and online. She also co-facilitates workshops for Clinical Supervision Consultancy in this model.

Bev spent several years researching the impact clinical supervision has for midwives through a HETI Rural Research Capacity Building Program. With the support of midwifery and research academics the findings were published in a peer review journal. She presents at conferences, webinars, and workshops on effective clinical supervision.
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Sue Harvey - Mary Sidebotham - Bev Love

Thursday, 14 December 2023
Duration: 57 Minutes

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