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SA Branch

From the SA Branch

Welcome South Australian midwives to our branch page! We are a vibrant branch dedicated to informing and influencing issues that affect midwifery on a local and national level. We offer advice, support and consultation to address the needs of midwifery in South Australia, meeting every month at the ACM office. We hold education, fundraising and social opportunities throughout the year and hold an annual state conference and dinner for International Day of the Midwife. In 2015 we held an inaugural Walk With Midwives through the city of Adelaide, raising money for the Rhodanthe Lipsett Trust and we would love to see this grow. We also fund scholarships for South Australian midwives to attend study days and conferences.
If you would like to get involved or have any issues you would like to discuss, please feel free to get in touch or attend our meetings. We would love to see you and share the passion we all hold for midwifery.

Megan Cooper

Contact the SA Branch

[email protected]

SA Branch Committee

Get involved! Come to a meeting!



The fourth Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm.


Administration and Learning Services Building, 

Glenside Health Services

Karrayarta Drive 

226 Fullerton Road

Glenside 5065