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Career Connections with Jan Taylor & Alison Teate

Graduate members take advantage of this exclusive member benefit. Join Career Connections; hour long interactive zoom sessions with midwifery leaders to inspire and support you during your graduate year. These sessions are meetings, not webinars. You must join live, with your camera on and raise your hand to ask a question. The session will not be recorded.

Event Description

Graduate members take advantage of this exclusive member benefit. Join Career Connections; hour long interactive zoom sessions with midwifery leaders to inspire and support you during your graduate year. These sessions are meetings, not webinars. You must join live, with your camera on and raise your hand to ask a question. The session will not be recorded.

Time: 12:00 in VIC,NSW,TAS / 11:30 in SA
           11:00 in QLD / 10:30 in NT / 9:00 in WA

Hosted by

Alison Teate

Alison currently works in private practice in the ACT and NSW and has an adjunct professorial position at the University of Canberra. Her PhD examined why midwifery continuity of care works. Prior to her academic role/s she worked in NSW State government in policy, research and leadership positions. In her early and mid-career years, Alison worked in SA, Qld and NSW and was a change agent for models of midwifery care including midwifery group practice, public-funded homebirth and group antenatal care.

Jan Taylor


Jan is a midwife who has been teaching in the tertiary sector for over 30 years. She has a passion for research, teaching and learning. Jan’s research interests include postnatal fatigue, women’s anxiety and depression before and after birth and women's continuity experiences with Bachelor of Midwifery students. Jan has been a member of the Australian College of Midwives since 1984 and is a Fellow and a life member. She is an advocate for Increasing women’s access to midwifery- led continuity of care programs and supporting midwives to work to their full scope of practice.

Qualify for CPD Hours

1 CPD hour

24/04/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Registration not available.

ACM's Event Cancellation Policy can be viewed here.

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