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Leadership Masterclass: Strategic Time Management

Strategic Time Management: turning rhetoric into reality.  Masterclass on how to achieve your goals and meet your deadlines.

Event Description

Leadership Masterclass: Strategic Time Management: turning rhetoric into reality 
Achieve your goals and meet your deadlines.

Do you feel like you are fighting fires all the time? That you work hard, fast and smart every day but still never seem to get everything done? 

Whilst juggling the multiple and ever-changing priorities is part of a midwife’s every day experience, this workshop is designed for leaders at all levels and midwifery environments who not only have to juggle the clinical challenges but also the leadership, administrative and ‘political’ demands on their time.

Designed with the contemporary midwifery (and academic) experience in mind, this 3-hour masterclass will outline practical and immediately applicable strategies to support leaders to: 

CONTROL the ‘fires’ you unconsciously light for yourself, and those you inherit from others
MANAGE those around you to ensure their time management issues don’t become your problem
FOCUS without procrastination, deviation or distraction on strategic tasks to completion
CLARIFY where your efforts should be spend each moment to deliver high-level strategic outcomes and a sense of satisfaction for yourself

Take this powerful webinar to review your routine workplace habits, reveal the challenges in your environment and create a toolkit that will potentially save your hours each week. 

So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard. - Caterina Fake

Time: 9:00 in NSW, VIC & TAS | 8:30 in SA 8:00 in QLD  | 7:30 in NT  | 6:00 in WA

Facilitator Information

This event is facilitated by Tracy Maxted from The Missing Think.

Tracy Maxted is an experienced facilitator and executive coach. She established her consultancy, The Missing Think, in 2011, and has supported 1000s of leaders and organisations to maximise their potential, clarify their strategic direction and deliver results.

Prior to starting The Missing Think, Tracy held a number of senior leadership positions in predominantly People and Culture roles in the UK for organisations experiencing high levels of growth, change and disruption. Every role involved developing great leaders at all levels of the organisation and establishing cultures of high trust, engagement and accountability.

Having found herself in a leadership position accidentally at the age of 21, she is pretty proud of the number of critical errors she was able to inflict on her poor staff in those first few years. If the saying is true that mistakes result in the deepest learning, Tracy has had the greatest of teachers!

Known for her pragmatic, practical and personable style, Tracy provides leaders with the tips, tools and strategies they need to bring the best out in themselves and those around them. Please see for more information.

Pricing Information

ACM Members - $150
Non-Members - $200

Qualify for CPD Hours

3 CPD Hours 

23/10/2024 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Virtual Event Zoom AUSTRALIA

ACM's Event Cancellation Policy can be viewed here.

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