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Birthing on Country

Birthing on Country
Birthing on Country is a service delivery model for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to access culturally safe and equitable maternity care.

Although Birthing on Country has been occurring for thousands of years, birthing ‘off’ country is more prevalent now, due to the lack of services and access to midwives, for women in rural and remote areas. In addition to lack of physical access to appropriate health professionals and services, when accessible, most mainstream services use a blanket approach for all women. These services are often implemented for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women without their involvement. This approach is proven to be harmful to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, causing more distress and increasing clinical and medical risks.

The BoC e-Learning Resource has been developed as part of the Australian College of Midwives (ACM), Merck Sharp Dohme (MSD) Birthing on Country Project which is supported by a grant from MSD through its Merck for Mothers Program.

This course is free to access for all.